Listing of articles in this section of the ALF Website for access, through links or copies is intended to bring to attention the informational value of the News, Analysis or Historical Reviews. It does not necessarily constitute endorsement by ALF, and may or may not reflect agreement or disagreement of the ALF Board or Members with the points of view expressed.
Lebanese president, PM and parliament speaker express satisfaction with Saudi-French agreement Najia Houssari, Arab News, June, 2022
The Ponzi Scheme That Broke Lebanon Sam Heller, Foreign Affairs, April 18, 2022
Karim Sadjadpour, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2022
Israel angles for benefits from new deal with Iran Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor, January 7, 2022
KSA, France Say Arms Must be Exclusively in Hands of Lebanese State Naharnet, December 5, 2021
As Vienna talks continue, Israel prepares for possible war against Iran, Hezbolla Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor, December 3, 2021
America Is Not Withdrawing From the Middle East Dalia Dassa Kaye, Foreign Affairs, December 1, 2021
The Unreality of U.S. Policy in Syria Daniel R. Depetris, Newsweek, September 30, 2021
The collapse of Lebanon: Scenarios for the future Aiman Mansou, Jewish news Sundicate, September 5, 2021
Lebanon to Reduce Subsidies as Cash Runs Out, Finance Chief Says Dana Khraiche, Bloomberg, March 16, 2021
United States Central Command Commander Visits Lebanon U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, March 15, 2021
Amid Crisis, Hizbullah 'Bank' a Lifeline for Some Lebanese Naharnet Newsdesk, January 27, 2021
Second round of maritime-border talks between Israel, Lebanon
Patrick J. Buchanan, buchanan.org, Ocotber 2, 2020
The Corrupt Political Class That Broke Lebanon Mohamad Bazzi, Foreign Affairs, August 14, 2020
Lebanon’s Currency Crisis Paves The Way To A New Future Tatiana Koffman, Forbes, July 8, 2020
Michael Young, Carnegie Middle East Center, June 11, 2020
Lebanon scores high marks on coronavirus front Jean-Marc Mojon and Alice Hackman, AFP, June 4, 2020
Lebanese demand bread, Hezbollah offers hot air and fantasies Baria Alamuddin, Arab News, May 31, 2020
Lebanese MPs warn Hezbollah over US sanctions Najia Houssari, Arab News, May 28, 2020
How Hezbollah is pushing Lebanon to the brink of economic collapse Raghida Dergham, The National, May 25, 2020
Who is to blame for Lebanon's crisis? Habib Battah, AL-Jazeera, May 23, 2020
COUNTING THE COST: Avoiding Another War between Israel and Hezbollah Nicholas Blanford and Assaf Orion, Atlantic Council, May 2020
Lebanon’s Premier Slams Central Bank Chief Over Currency Chaos Dana Khraiche, Bloomberg, April 24, 2020
Lebanese Armed Forces must act against Hezbollah to retain America’s military aid Bradley Bowma, Defense News, April 1, 2020
The Twin Crises and the Prospects for Political Sectarianism in Lebanon Melani Cammett and Lama Mourad, LCPS Lebanon, April 2020
Will Coronavirus Collapse Lebanon—And Will It Be Iran’s Fault? Matthew Petti, National Interest, March 11, 2020
Prosecutor Freezes Assets of Twenty Lebanese Banks Naharnet Newsdesk, March 5, 2020
Michael Young, Carnegie Middle East Center, March 4, 2020
Lebanon’s economic collapse spells doom for Mideast Christians David J. Malloy, Gregory Mansour and Abdallah Elias Zaidan, New Tork Post, March 2, 2020
Crisis drives Lebanese abroad in search of better future Issam Abdallah & Alaa Kanaan, Reuters, February 19, 2020
Lebanon 'could become a failed state' if reforms don't go ahead, warns foreign minister Mark Stone, Sky News, Februrary 11, 2020
Former Lebanon economy chief in plea for $25bn bailout plan Randa Takieddine, Arab News, February 4, 2020
What Are the Top Three Priorities for Lebanon's New Government in the Coming Weeks? Michael Young, Carnegie Middle East Center, January 30, 2020
Lebanon's protests: The limit of rage Habib Battah, Al-Jazeera, January 29, 2020
The sky is sliding: Why and how the Lebanese avoided catastrophe and aggravated challenges over time Anthony Elghossain, Middle East Institute, January 21, 2020
Lebanon wakes up to trashed banks and UN rebuke of its failing politicians Middle East Eye, January 15, 2020
Building the revolution’s memory: Coders archive Lebanon’s protests Zoe Dutton, Al-Monitor, January 2, 2020
Selection of Hezbollah-backed prime minister triggers new strife in Lebanon Liz Sly, The Washington Post, December 19, 2019
Fear and Turmoil Spread as Lebanon’s Financial Crisis Worsens Headline Wealth, November 21, 2019
US rejects Israeli request to condition Lebanon aid on disarming Hezbollah Raphael Ahren, The Times of Israel, November 13, 2019
Lebanon’s Richest Need To Take a Haircut Dan Azzi, Bloomberg, November 7, 2019
With Lebanon making fragile progress, now is the wrong time to pull US assistance Jeffrey Feltman, Brookings, November 1, 2019
What's next for Lebanon after PM's resignation? Michal Kranz, Al-Monitor, October 30, 2019
Lebanon’s protests continue to gain momentum Nicholas Frakes, Al-Monitor, October 20, 2019
Beirut burns as Lebanon protests new taxes Michal Kranz, Al-Monitor, October 18, 2019
Gareth Smyth, Lobe Log, October 13, 2019
Lebanon faces race against time to avoid financial collapse Sergio Matalucci, Deutsche Welle, October 10, 2019
A closer look into Lebanon’s fixed currency Sam Brennan, Al-Monitor, September 24, 2019
Why Lebanon's largest artificial lake is
turning green
Is Lebanon caught in the crossfire of the current US-Iranian standoff? Sarah Abdallah, Al-Monitor, July 12, 2019
Why Lebanon is against Kushner's deal of the century Michal Kranz, Al-Monitor, July 4, 2019
Andre Vltchek, The Unz Review, July 2, 2019
Cleaning Lebanon’s shores: is it enough to solve waste crisis? Hanan Hamdan, Al-Monitor, June 17, 2019
Under US plan, Palestinian refugees will still be refugees Adnan Abu Amer, Al-Monitor, June 12, 2019
Trump’s sanctions on Iran are hitting Hezbollah, and it hurts Liz Sly and Suzan Haidamous, The Washington Post, May 18, 2019
Growing Link between Lebanon’s Cancer Surge and EU Abetted Corruption Martin Jay, International Policy Digest, May 11, 2019
Haute Beirut: Lebanon Reinvents Itself As A Fashion Destination Stephan Rabimov, Forbes, May 6, 2019
Can Lebanon's cedars outlive climate change and a pesky insect? Marcello Rossi, Aljazeera, April 20, 2019
Iraq meeting between Lebanon’s Berri, Sistani boosts moderate Shiism in region Ali Mamouri, Al-Monitor, April 4, 2019
Nasrallah seeks to capitalize on US shift on Golan Makram Najmuddine, Al-Monitor, March 27, 2019
Politicization of the anti-corruption campaign in Lebanon Joe Macaron, Al-Monitor, March 22, 2019
Is it safe to travel to Lebanon? Joan Torres, Against the Compass, March 15, 2019
Pompeo to push anti-Iran message in trip to Kuwait, Israel, Lebanon Laura Rozen, Al-Monitor, March 15, 2019
Civil marriage resurfaces as hot topic in Lebanon’s politics Victoria Yan, Al-Monitor, March 3, 2019
Trump allies hijack Warsaw summit with calls for Iran war, regime change Laura Rozen, Al-Monitor, February 13, 2019
Qatar challenges Saudi influence in Lebanon Giorgio Cafiero, Al-Monitor, January 24, 2019
Trump aide: Syria withdrawal waiting on 'conditions' Zeke Miller, AOL, January 6, 2019
Goldman Asks What If Lebanon Is Forced to Restructure Debt Paul Abelsky, Bloomberg, January 6, 2019
Admit It: Donald Trump Is a Disaster for Israel and the Jews Eric H Yoffie, Haaretz, December 24, 2018
Christmas in Lebanon: ‘Jesus Isn’t Only for the Christians’ Vivian Yee & Hwaida Saad, NY Times, Decemeber 24, 2018
Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due – Trump Is Right on Syria Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.), Antiwar.com, December 20, 2018
Sara Kayyali, Lobe Log, December 12, 2018
MbS Tries To Restart The Lebanese War Paul R Pillar, Lobe Log, December 11, 2018
Israel destroys Hezbollah's border tunnels but missile threat looms Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor, December 5, 2018
The Lebanese Armed Forces, Hezbollah, and Military Legitimacy Aram Nerguizian, Center for Strategic & International Studies, October 4, 2018
Sandy Tolan, Nation of Change, September 14, 2018
Robert Fisk, Indepenent, August 30, 2018
Ex-CIA Agent Reveals Signs Of Imminent Iran Invasion John Kiriakou, Information Clearing House, August 9, 2018
Nada Issa, Al Jazeerar, August 2, 2018
Lebanese divided over efforts to repatriate Syrian refugees Mohannad Obeid, Al-Monitor, Juliy 25, 2018
Moscow steadily promoting its 'Helsinki agenda' in Syria Maxim A Suchkov, Al-Monitor, July 20, 2018
AMCD Calls on Secretary Pompeo to Condemn Arrest of Christian Activists in Lebanon American Mideast Coalition for Democracy, Julky 19, 2018
The Sectarian Dimension of the Syrian Civil War and Lebanese-Syrian Relations Abbas Assi, Middle East Institute, July 16, 2018
Congress rebukes Lebanon over Syrian refugee transfers Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor, July 9, 2018
Decks and the City: Artist proposes gardens over car parks in Beirut Talia Abbas, Al-Monitor, July 3, 2018
This moment will go down in history: the US has given up on the overthrow of Assad in Syria Robert Fisk, Independent, June 26, 2018
What’s next for Syrian refugees in Lebanon? Joe Macaron, Al-Monitor, June 6, 2018
Pompeo calls for review of security assistance to Lebanon Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor, May 23, 2018
Mideast conflicts connected by vying powerbrokers Yamer Fakahany, AP News, May 17, 2018
Trump’s Plan for Iran: Put Terrorists in Charge Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institue for Peace and Prosperity, May 14, 2018
Iran nuclear deal: Why has Trump withdrawn US from it and why does it matter? Bethan McKaernan, Independent, May 9, 2018
Hezbollah’s gains in Lebanon vote a troubling sign Gulf News, May 7, 2018
What mission accomplished? More questions than answers after Syria bombing Derek Royden, Nation of Change, April 20, 2018
Robert Fisk’s Douma Report Rips Away Excuses for Air Strike on Syria Jonathan Cook, Common Dreams, April 12, 2018
Lebanon's new electoral law could spell trouble for traditional parties Mona Alami, Al Monitor, March 21, 2018
EXPOSED: Memri reveals Muslim call to arms to form joint ISLAMIC ARMY to invade Israel! The Right Scoop, March 13, 2018
Ronen Bergman, The New York Times, February 12, 2018
Where does this end? Dangers if US leaves Syria -- or stays Nick Paton Walsh, Ghazi Balkiz and Scott McWhinnie, CNN, February 9, 2018
George Friedman, GPF Weekly, January 31, 2018
Who Is Selling Hacking Subscriptions to Governments? Kaveh Waddell, The Atlantic, January 19, 2018
On the Trail of a Story in Lebanon, Stumbling on a Scoop Anne Barnard, New York Times, January 1, 2018
US Empire Is Running The Same Script With Iran That It Ran With Libya, Syria Caitlin Johnstone, Information Clearing House, January 1, 2018
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Global Research, December 2, 2017
Trump's Middle East Team: Goal Is to 'Facilitate, Not Dictate, a Lasting Peace Agreement Cathy Burke, Newsmax, November 12, 2017
The Prime Minister of Lebanon's Unnerving Interview Thanassis Cambanis, The Atlantic, Novemeber 13, 2017
Prince Charles blames ‘foreign Jews’ for Middle East turmoil in 1986 letter Chantal Da Silva Rowley, The Independant, November 12, 2017
Lebanon believes Saudi Arabia holding ex-PM Saad al-Hariri hostage as crisis deepens Laila Bassam and Tom Perry , The Independant, November 10, 2017
Why all of us have a rooting interest in seeing Lebanon succeed John L. Allen Jr., Crux Now, October 8, 2017
Russia and the Next Lebanon War Dmitry Adamsky, Foreign Affairs, October 6, 2017
Evicted Refugees in Lebanon Have Nowhere Left to Run Abby Sewell and Charlotte Alfred, News Deeply, September 28, 2017
Assad’s Allies Trying to Reshape Lebanon’s Syria Policy Hashem Osseiran, News Deeply, August 23, 2017
Lebanon and the unfortunate alliance of minorities Mashari Althaydi, Al Arabiya, August 7, 2017
Israel’s Role in the Cataclysm to Come Phil Butler, New Eastern Outlook, July 10, 2017
Is Lebanon's New Electoral System A Path Out of Sectarianism? Elias Muhanna, The New Yorker, June 29, 2017
What Silicon Valley can learn from Lebanon’s women in tech Melissa Jun Rowley, Tech Crunch, June 6, 2017
Lebanon: Hope for Government Progress Is High, but so Is Doubt Startfor Worldview, June 2, 2017
Lebanon: No to refugees, yes to investment in Syria Diana Moukallad, Arab News, May 22, 2017
Syria safe zones on hold amid concern over how deal will be enforced Patrick Wintour, The Gauardian, May 9, 2017
M.F. , The Economist, May 4, 2017
Russia, Iran, Turkey sign on 'de-escalation zones' in Syria Bassem Mroue & Zeina Karam, Associated Press, May 4, 2017
Among worldwide Armenian genocide observances, Lebanon's is first among equals Nabih Bulos, Loas Angeles Times, April 24, 2017
Anne Barnard, The New York Times, April 21, 2017
Hariri asks UN to forge permanent truce with Israel The New Arab, April 21, 2017
Why Not a Probe of ‘Israel-gate’? Robert Parry, Consortium News, April 20, 2017
Lebanese leaders send Arab League unprecedented letter critical of Hezbollah Joseph A. Kechichian, Gulf News, March 30, 2017
U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on 'getting Assad out': Haley Michelle Nichols, Reuters, March 30, 2017
Coming Home? A Political Settlement in Syria Must Focus on Refugees Maya Yahya & Jean Kassir, Carnegie Middle East Center, March 30, 2017
Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor, March 15, 2017
Is Israel prepared for Hezbollah's rearming? Mona Alami, Trends, March 15, 2017
The Trump Administration's Hezbollah Problem Imad K. Harb, Arab Center, March 2, 2017
How Iran-Saudi rapprochement is impacting Lebanon Josephine Deeb, Al-Monitor, February 6, 2017
After Trump’s ban, Lebanon renews calls to send back Syrian refugees Richard Hall, PRI, February 6, 2017
Assad will stay and refugees must go, says Lebanon president Karim El-Bar, Middle East Eye, January 30, 2017
Trump's hopes for Syria safe zones may force decision on Assad Phil Stewart, Reuters, January 27, 2017
The Case For and Against a "Realist" Strategy in Syria Anthony H Cordesman & Aram Nerguizian, CSIS, January 24, 2017
What challenges await Lebanon’s new government? Haytham Mouzahem, Al-Monitor, December 29, 2016
As winter blows in across Lebanon, refugees struggle Warda Al-Jawahiry, UNHCR, December 23, 2016
Lebanon’s long wait for a government Eyad Abu Shakra, Al Arabiya, December 16, 2016
Hizbollah seeks to retain its pivotal role in Lebanon Michael Young, The International, December 15, 2016
It's not Donald Trump who matters now in the Middle East – it's Putin Robert Fisk, Independent, Novemeber 10, 2016
Why Iranian-Saudi game in Lebanon is far from over Saeid Jafari, Al-Monitor, Novemeber 8, 2016
Lebanon’s Presidential Election: The Elusive Search for Outside Influence and an End to Deadlock Rami Ruhayem, Wilson Center, Novemeber 3, 2016
Inaugural address of his excellency General Michel Aoun President of the republic of Lebanon General Michel Aoun President of the republic of Lebanon, October 31, 2016
Bilal Y. Saab, Foreign Affairs, October 31, 2016
How Lebanon’s presidential problem turned into opportunity Ali Hashem, al-monitor, October 26, 2016
In Lebanon deal, Iran wins and Saudi retreats Tom Perry and Laila Bassam, Reuters, Ocotober 26, 2016
Lebanon is a sectarian nation, yet it has avoided civil war while the Middle East burns – here's why Robert Fisk, Independent, October 20, 2016
Lebanon speaker Nabih Berri warns of civil war Joseph A Kechichian, GulfNews, October 18, 2016
Lebanon Launches Plan for Syrian Refugees to Return Home Asharq Al-Awsat, September 20, 2016
How might Lebanon’s municipal elections affect parliamentary elections next year? Joseph Bahout, Carnegie - Middle East Center, September 14, 2016
For Refugees in Lebanon, Cash Instead of Camps Tina Rosenberg, NY Times, September 13, 2016
Lebanon’s best global branding is its diaspora Michael Karam, The National, September 5, 2016
Can Israel and the Arab States Be Friends? Editorial Board, NY Times, August 27, 2016
Samuel Smith, ChristianPost.com, August 24, 2016
Small Nation, High Stakes: The Decline of Lebanon and its Regional Implications Hassan Mneimneh, The Washington Institute, August 2016
From storm to calm: How Lebanon became a shelter in the Levant Martin Krastrup, Global Risk Insights, August 18, 2016
The Best International Cities for Food Travel+Leisure, August 13, 2016
Vanessa Newby, RealClear World, July 21, 2016
Lebanon reels under weight of Syrian refugee crisis Jean Aziz, Al-Monitor, July 8, 2016
Robert Fisk, Independent.co.uk, June 23, 2016
The US is dropping calls for Assad to go because the Syrian regime is a better bet than Isis Robert Fisk, Independent.co.uk, May 26, 2016
Lebanon braced for fallout of US law on Hezbollah Aljazeera, May 18, 2016
The war within: The breakdown of Arab states The Economist, May 14, 2016
Lebanon: Trading Policies for Guns Stratfor, April 28, 2016
A new Russian role in Lebanon? Alex Rowell, NOW. , April 7, 2016
Fight the Islamic State by Targeting Its Affiliates Daniel Byman, Essay, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2016
Muslims Are Standing Up To Extremism Dan Sanchez, Antiwar.com, March 28, 2016
In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA Nabih Bulos, W.J. Hennigan and Brian Bennett, LA Times, March 27, 2016
Hezbollah responds to GCC decision Ali Rizk, Al-Monitor, March , 2016
Will US restrictions on Hezbollah lead to collapse of Lebanon? Jean Aziz, Al-Monitor, March , 2016
Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Politico Magazine, February 22, 2016
Israeli leaders confirm divide and conquer scenario, eye partition of Syria David Duke, Commentary, DavidDuke.com, February 17, 2016
Israel & Syria: Plan B is to Balkanize Dan Sanchez, Antiware.com, February 15, 2016
A Dramatic Escalation Appears Imminent The Saker, Information Clearing House, February 15, 2016
In Surprise Move, Bitter Political Rivals in Lebanon Announce Deal Anne Barnard, The New York Times, January 18, 2016
The Shah of Iran, the Islamic Revolution and the Mystery of the Missing Imam Rick Gladstone, The New York Times, January 14, 2016
Meltdowns, crises and Islamic State: a terrible year in the Middle East Simon Mabon, The Conversation, December 31, 2015
How the battle against the Islamic State is redrawing the map of the Middle Eashe Middle East Liz Sly, The Washington Post, December 30, 2015
ANALYSIS: Lebanon fails to elect president for the 32nd time. What hope now? MArtin Armstrong, Middle East Eye, December 3, 2015
The Middle East inches away from the inferno David Ignatius, Opinion, The Washington Post, December 1, 2015
Squabbling Politicians Push Lebanon to Sectarian Brink Doug Bandow, Reuters, The World Post, November 22, 2015
Lebanon’s 72nd Independence Day: Protests replace official ceremonies yaLiban, November 22, 2015
Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten Anne Barnard, The New York Times, November 15, 2015
Report: Russia blocks Israeli jets over Lebanon Roi Kais. Israel News, October 17, 2015
Beirut protest turns violent, politicians postpone talks Sylvia Westall, Reuters, October 8, 2015
Russia defends its military action in Syria Jim Heintz, The Associated Press, October 1, 2015
Lebanon: The other refugee crisis Declan Lawn, BBC News, September 29, 2015
Unseasonal sandstorm hits Lebanon, Syria Sarah El Deeb, The Associated Press, September 8, 2015
Lebanon rubbish crisis: Thousands attend anti-government rally BBC News, August 30, 2015
Tom Fletcher, British Ambassador to Lebanon, July 31, 2015
Lebanon and the Start of Iran and Saudi Arabia’s Proxy War Mohamad Bazzi, The New Yorker, The National, May 26, 2015
America is Behind ISIS: Washington Confesses to Backing “Questionable Actors” in Syria Tony Cartalucci, Global Research, May 25, 2015
Syrian forces, Hizbollah battle rebels in Qalamoun Reuters, The National, May 7, 2015
Kamran Bokhari, Startfor Global Intelligence, May 5, 2015
Making the case for a Syrian National Stabilization Force Larry Luxner, Atlantic Council, April 15, 2015
Robert Parry, Consortiumnews.com, April 6, 2015
The Pentagon plan to 'divide and rule' the Muslim world Nafeez Ahmen, Middle East Eye, April 3, 2015
Lebanon a 'ray of hope' for tolerance in the Middle East Heiner Bielefeldt UN News Centre, April 2, 2015
The Middle Eastern Balance of Power Matures George Friedman, Stratfor Global Intelligence, March 31, 2015
Shaken by Yemen, Lebanon works to keep its balance Nicholas Blanford, The Christian Science Monitor, March 30, 2015
Turkish-Armenian conflict rears its head in Lebanon Jean Aziz, Al Monitor, March 30, 2015
Barack Obama's top aide says Israeli 'occupation' must end Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico, March 23, 2015
Virgil, Breitbart, March 21, 2015
America Is Losing the War Against Sunni Juhadists and Empowering the Shia Caliphate Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Breitbart, March 13, 2015
Patrick J. Buchanan, Antiwar.com, March 9, 2015
Patrick J. Buchanan, Taki's Magazine, February 12, 2015
Compared with Isil, Assad is someone the West can do business with Colin Freeman, The Telegraph, February 10, 2015
CIA and Mossad killed senior Hezbollah figure in car bombing Adam Goldman and Ellen Nakashima, The Washington Post, January 30, 2015
The Editorial Board, The New York Times, January 24, 2015
Is Beirut's glitzy downtown redevelopment all that it seems? Oliver Wainwright, The Guardian, January 22, 2015
U.S. Signals Shift on How to End Syrian Civil War Anne Barnard and Somini Sengupta, The New York Times, January 19, 2015
Who Should be Blamed for Muslim Terrorism Andre Vltchek, counterpunch, January 9, 2015
Saudi Arabia Faces Challenges in the New year Michael Nayebi-Oskoui, Stratfor Global Intelligence, January 6, 2015
U.S. thinkers see strength in Lebanon's political system Bernd Debusmann,The Daily Star, December 31, 2014
Foreign officials agree on need to elect consensus Antoine Ghattas Saab,The Daily Star, December 22, 2014
The Islamic State Reshapes the Middle East George Friedman, Stratfor Global Intelligence, November 25, 2014
On Obama and the Nature of Failed Presidencies George Friedman, Stratfor Global Intelligence, November 18, 2014
Hussein Kalout, Foreign Affairs, November 17, 2014
The endgame of the US 'Islamic State' strategy Nicola Nasser, OpEdNews.com, Novemeber 11, 2014
Talks stalled over abducted Lebanese soldiers Rebecca Murray, Aljazeera, October 22, 2014
Lebanon lets democracy slip away Marina Chamma, Your Middle East, October 20, 2014
How Lebanon offers a model for a post-IS Middle East Michael Bell, Lebanonwire, October 16, 2014
Michael Young, Project Syndicate, October 8, 2014
To Crush ISIS, make a Deal With Assad Ahmad Samih Khalidi, The New York Times, September 15, 2014
Nafeez Ahmed, Mint Press News, September 13, 2014
Iraq and Syria Follow Lebanon's Precedent George Friedman, Stratfor , August 26, 2014
The US, IS and the conspiracy theory sweeping Lebanon Suzanne Kianpour, Lebanonwire, August 12, 2014
Amir Taheri, Asharq Al-Awsat, August 8, 2014
Building a Syrian National Stabilization Frederic C. Hof, Atlantic Council, August 7, 2014
Why the presidential elections in Lebanon are deadlocked? Ghassan Michel Rubeiz, Lebanonwire, August 2, 2014
ISIS poses a grievous threat to Lebanon Timothy Jenkins, ConvsevativeHome, July 28, 2014
Lebanonization of Iraq and the Middle East Jamal Kanj, Redressonline, June 28, 2014
David Hale, Naharnet, June 18, 2014
Kerry in Lebanon to pledge more refugee aid Reuters, Aljazeera, June 4, 2014
Waiting for the impossible dream in Lebanon Joseph A. Kechichian, Gulfnews.com, June 1, 2014
Lebanese president's term ends, with no one to take his place Nicholas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor, May 25, 2014
David Schenker, The Washington Institute, May 1, 2014
Lebanon's Security Challenges and U.S. Interests Speech, US State Department, April 11, 2014
How Syria's civil war threatens Lebanon's fragile peace David Schenker, Los Angeles Times, April 1, 2014
Paul Salem, Middle East Insitute, March 2, 2014
Ny Eyad Abu Shakra, Asharq Al-Awsat, February 28, 2014
Do ‘Syria,’ ‘Iraq’ and ‘Lebanon’ Still Exist? Jonathan Spyer, The Tower, Febraury 2014
The Geopolitics of the Syrian Civil War Reva Bhalla, Stratfor Global Intelligence, January 21, 2014
Now it's Middle Eastern regimes fighting al-Qa'ida, while the US ties itself up in knots Robert Fisk, The Independent, January 5, 2014
Franklin Lamb, CounterPunch, January 3, 2014
The Russian Bear steps in as the American Empire Unravels in the Middle East Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, Decemeber 5, 2013
Lebanon pushed to edge, but, somehow, not over it Ryan Lucas, Lebanonwire, November 22, 2013
Marc Lynch, Poreign Policy, October 25, 2013
How the Sunni-Shia schism is dividing the world Robert Fisk, The Independent, October 23, 2013
Shutdown is just a part of Lebanese life Davud Gardner, ft.com, October 22, 2013
The End of the Sykes Picot System? Volker Perthes, Qantara.de , October 21, 2013
It's Time to Put an End to Israel's 'Don't Ask-Don't Tell' Nuclear Policy Medea Benjamin & Pam Bailey, Common Dreams, October 17, 2013
How 5 Countries Could Become 14 Robin Wright, the New York Times, Septemebr 28, 2013
The mistakes of the resistance Jihad el-Khazen, Lebanonwire, September 28, 2013
When Syria sneezes, Lebanon catches a cold Michael Karam, The Spectator, Septemebr 14, 2013
Cabinet needed to cope with possible Syria strike hussein Dakroub, Lebanonwire, September 9, 2013
Sleiman, Maronite bishops warn military strike on Syria Antoine Amrieh, Lebanonwire, Septemebr 5, 2013
As Syrian refugees flood Lebanon, security worries grow Mitchell Prothero, McClathcyDC, Septemebr 3, 2013
George Friedman, Stratfor Global Intelligence, August 27, 2013
Syria's War Takes Hold of Lebanon Through Bombings and Kidnappings Aryn Baker, Times, August 16, 2013
Has Al-Qaeda Infiltrated Lebanon? Nassar Chararah, Al-Monitor, August 13, 2013
Kerry Says Egypt's Military Was 'Restoring Democracy' in Ousting Morsi Michael R Gordon and Kareem Fahim, The New York Times, August 1, 2013
Why Lebanon's Sunnis will stay calm as Syria's Sunnis wage war Nicholas Blanford, The Christian Science Monitor, July 31, 2013
Middle East map blurs as old order breaks down Rosemary Hollis, The Conversation, July 30, 2013
Worries Mount as Syria Lures West's Muslims Eric Schmitt, The New York Times, July 27, 2013
Return to Lebanon: A country fighting someone else's war Nahed Abouzeid, BBC News, July 13, 2013
U.S. Intelligence Confirms Latest Israeli Strike Inside Syria Josh Rogin, Eli Lake, The Daily Beast, July 16, 2013
Mike Konrad, American Thinker, June 30, 2013
Obama wants Assad to go, but not too soon David Ignatius, The Washington Post, June 19, 2013
Lebanon, Overrun by Syrian Refugees Ninette Kelley, The New York Times, June 19, 2013
Obstacles to a Syrian Regime Victory in Aleppo Analysis, Stratfor, June 17, 2013
Lebanon's Sunnis search for a saviour Nour Samaha, Yahoo News, June 15, 2013
Israel Is Losing Its Battle in Syria Gilad Atzmon, Dissidentvoice.org, June 8, 2013
Postponing Lebanon's Elections Assures Political Chaos Abdallah Abu Habib, Al-Monitor, May 31, 2013
Iran's emergency plan for post-Assad era in Lebanon Huda al-Husseini, Global Arab Network, May 2013
Syria, Lebanon And Iraq: The Dangers Of Sectarian Conflict Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg, Eurasia Review, May 5, 2013
Redlines and the Problems of Intervention in Syria George Friedman, Stratfor Global Intelligence, April 30, 2013
Lebanon's First Civil Marriage A Sign of Change Jean Aziz, Al-Monitor, April 28, 2013
Hezbollah's role in Syrian civil war drives sectarian tension in Lebanon Abigail Hauslohner, The Washington Post, April 27, 2013
Islamist Rebels Create Dilemma on Syira Policy Ben Hubbard, The New York Times, April 27, 2013
Al-Qaeda Announces an Islamic State in Syria Aaron Y. Zelin, The Washington Institute, April 9, 2013
Franck Salameh, Lebanonwire, April 4, 2013
Lebanon's Salam - concensus PM for tough times Agence France-Presse, Lebanonwire, April 7, 2013
Robert D. Kaplan, Stratfor Global Intelligence, March 27, 2013
As Syria Bleeds, Lebanon Reels Dexter Filkins, Lebanonwire, March 25, 2013
New electoral law looks unlikely for Lebanon Joseph A Kechichian, gulfnews.com, March 2, 2013
Refugee Influx Threatens Balance in Lebanon Sergio Pecanha, Timothy Wallace & Derek Watkins, The New York Times, February 23, 2013
Freedom of speech under threat in Lebanon Joseph A Kechichian, Lebanonwire, February 7, 2013
Syrian Christians Seek Refuge in Lebanon Madona Semaan, Lebanonwire, January 29, 2013
Hezbollah satisfied with Israeli election results Nasser
Chararah, Lebanonwire, January 26, 2013 Lebanon's Electoral Law And the Reginal Crisisl war Elie Hajj, Al-Monitor January 18, 2013
John McCain, Joseph I. Lieberman & Lindsey O. Graham, The Washington Post, December 30, 2012
Will Syria Become Another "Failed State"? The Role of the United Nations Carla Stea, Global Research, December 30, 2012
Intervention in Syria risks blowback and regional war Seumas Milne, The Guardian, December 18, 2012
The plight of Middle East Christians took me back to Lebanon Terry Waite, The Guardian, December 11, 2012
Lebanese Politicians Continue Playing the Palestinians Franklin Lamb, Hamsayeh.net, December 9, 2012
As Syria war widens, a divided Lebanon struggles to remain neutral Babak Dehghanpisheh, The Washington Post, December 8, 2012
A Precarious Balancing Act: Lebanon and the Syrian Conflict Middle East Report, International Crisis Group, November 22, 2012
Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Bordering on Disaster Jamie Dettmer, The Daily Beast, November 11, 2012
Robert Satloff, The Washington Institute, November 2, 2012
Sleiman: Door open for unity goverment Hussein Dakroub, Nafez Kawas, The Daily Star, November 1, 2012
Regardless of whether Obama or Romney wins, America's relations with the Arab World will change Robert Fisk, Information Clearing House, October 30, 2012
Change without Progress in the Middle East KAmbassador Chas W. Freeman Jr, Middle East Policy Council, October 25, 2012
Hizbollah Is Thinking Of Abandoning Syria And It's A Pretty Big Deal The Daily Telegraph, Business Insider, October 28, 2012
David W. Lesch, Al Monitor, October 12, 2012
Washington showing Lebanese Banks who's boss albawaba Business, October 7, 2012
Kissinger, US intelligence community endorse "World Without Israel" Kevinn Barrett, Press TV, September 30, 2012
Who Will Speak Up for Lebanon? Elliott Abrams, Council on Foreign Relations, September 28, 2012
A Visit to Hezbollahland-Lebanon's Resistance Themed Tourist Attraction Tom Freston, Vanity Fair, September 25, 2012
Lebanon-Syria: The refugee minefield IRIN Middle East, September 3, 2012
Syrian Crisis Will Not Plunge Lebanon into Chaos, Analysts Say Margaret Besheer, Voice of America, August 28, 2012
Will Syria be the next Lebanon? Fareed Zakaria, Global Public Squares, CNN.com Blogs, August 3, 2012
Lebabon Heading for Failed State Status? Mona Alami, Inter Press Service, July 30, 2012
nadine Elali, Now Lebanon, Junly 29, 2012
Jay Solomon, Middle East Transparent, July 4, 2012
Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces" Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 16, 2012
Syria's Insurrection Is Not America's War Pat Buchanan, Information Clearing House, June 5, 2012
How to solve the mess in Syria -- without going to war K. T. McFarland, Fox News, June 1, 2012
Lebanon: A victim of the 'Arab Spring' Marc J. Sirois, The Arab American News, May 31, 2012
How to Slice the Pie: Reforming Lebanon's Electoral Law Maren Milligan, carnegie Endowment for International peace, May 24, 2012
Syrians rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors' money, U.S. coordination Karen Deyoung and Liz Sly, The Washington Post, May 15, 2012
After the Arab Spring: The winter of Africa's discontent Jean-Jacques Cornish, Mail & Guardian, May 6, 2012
Israelis: Best Time to Bomb Iran is During the US Election Campaign Arnaud De Borchgrave, Newsmax, May 2, 2012
Will the US Launch an Aggression Against Iran Yuri Baranchik, Strategic Culture, May 2, 2012
Christianity around the World is under Assault, but not from muslims Wayne Madsen, Strategic Culture, April 30, 2012
Politcal changes in Beirut hit a wall of sectarian reality Michael Young, The National, April 26, 2012
Diana Mukkaled, Al Arabiya News, April 20, 2012
Dr Alia Brahimi, Al-Jazeera, April 19, 2012
T.K. Maloy, Opinion, Lebanonwire, April 7, 2012
From Arab Spring, Winter is Coming Thomas S Kidd, Patheos Evangelical, April 5, 2012
Lebanon's Security Concerns over Syria Nicholas Blanford, PolicyWatch, South Asia Pulse, March 30, 2012
Arab Springs Turns To Economic Winter On More Joblessness Mariam Fam and Alaa Shahine, Bloomberg, March 28, 2012
Iran, Hizballah, and the Threat to the U.S. Homeland Matthew Levitt, YaLIBNAN, March 27, 2012
March 14’s
Revolutionaries: Made in Syria Ghassan Saoud, Al-Akbar, Lebanonwire, March 16, 2012
Hussain Abdul-Hussain, Comment, Lebanonwire, March 12, 2012
Violence turning Arab Spring into winter Michael Scott and Samia Nakhoul, Reuters, March 4, 2012
Anthony Shadid: 'House of Stone' Mike Fischer, Special to the Journal Sentinel, Lebanonwire, February 26, 2012
Immanuel Wallerstein, Commentaries, February 15, 2012
Is Syria’s instability an opportunity for Lebanon? Abdallah Hayek, Commentary, The Daily Star, February 12, 2012
Arab Spring or Islamist Winter Michael J Totten, World Affairs, January/February, 2012
Ban Ki-moon’s Visit to Beirut: A Message of Trust in Lebanon’s Role Raghida Dergham, Opinion, Dar Al-hayat, Lebanonwire, January 14, 2012
David Patrikarakos, New Statesman, January 9, 2012
Sunni versus Shia: The Middle East's new strategic conflict Barry Rubin, Opinion, Lebanonwire, January 5, 2012
Lebanon enters 2012 with political and social uncertainty Oxford Business Group, Lebanonwire, January 4, 2012
Lebanon: calm before the storm? Filippo Dionigi,pinion, Lebanonwire, December 31, 2012
Lebanon's intifada offers lessons for the Arab Spring Michael Young, Opinion, Lebanonwire, December 15, 2011
Nour Samaha, Al-Jazeera, Lebanonwire, December 2, 2011
and the Strategic Encirclement of Syria and Lebanon
After the hope of the Arab Spring, the chill of an Arab Winter Daniel Byman, Teh Washingto Post, December 1, 2011
Nicholas Blanford, The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2011
Lebanon risks much from a widening Syrian conflict Nizar Abdel-Kader, The Daily Star, November 16, 2011
The paradoxes of free speech in Lebanon Karl Sharro, Index on Censorship, Lebanonwire, November 11, 2011
All Anxious on the Syrian Front: Damascus' Long Shadow Creeps into Lebanon Nicholas Blanford, Time, November 4, 2011
Lebanon gets a chance to come of age Ramez Maluf, Gulf News, October 24, 2011
Syrian incursions could destabilize Lebanon, Ban says in latest report The DailyStar, October 20, 2011
Lebanon: As Syria retreats, Iran advance Amir Taheri, asharq alawsat, October 14, 2011
Beirut Cabinet Crisis, Take Four Gavriel Queenann, Israel National News, October 4, 2011
Lebanon’s Take on Syria Conflict Susanne Fischer, IWPR Insight, September 28, 2011
Assad has no friend in Lebanon's Christians Karim Antoun Souaid, Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2011
The Maronite Patriarch defending the Syrian regime Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid, Opnion, Asharq Al-Awsat, September 21, 2011
Buchanan: 9/11 Wars, March of Folly Patrick Buchanan, Newsmax, September 9, 2011
Analysis: Impact of Syrian unrest on Hezbollah and Lebanon Global Intelligence, Stratfor, September 6, 2011
Iran’s Foreign Policy vis-à-vis Arab Uprisings Reza Akhlaghi, Foreign Policy Association, September 3, 2011
Sharmine Narwani, Opinion, Ak Jazeera, August 31, 2011
Israel's next Lebanon offensive? Lucy Fielder, Al-Ahram Weekly, August 19, 2011
Syria uprising stirs old divisions in neighboring Lebanon Oren Kessler, Opinion, Jerusalem Post, August 11, 2011
Hizballah and Syria’s Alawites Patrick Vibert, Foreign Policy Association, July 19, 2011
Lebanon: The Arab Spring's Wildcard? Benedetta Berti, INS, July 4, 2011
Trial by fire for Lebanon's government Lucy Fielder, Al-Ahram Weekly, June 23, 2011
Lebanon’s New Government: Outlines and Challenges Paul Salem, Carnegie Endowment, June 15, 2011
Patrick Vibert, Lebanon:The World Affairs Blog Network, June 12, 2011
Fool Me Twice: How the United States Lost Lebanon—Again Eric Edelman and Mara Karlin, World Affairs, May/June, 2011
U.S. presses Lebanon to distance itself from Syria Borzou Daragahi, Los Angeles Times, May 25, 2011
Charles Glass, Taki's Magazine, May 2, 2011
Shadow of Syrian Conflict Stretching into Lebanon Robert Fisk, Information Clearing House, April 27, 2011
When Dictators Fall, Who Rises? Patrick J Buchanan, CNSNews,com, April 26, 2011
Analysis: Syria unrest could destabilize Lebanon Lebanonwire, April 27, 2011
Why does Syria see a threat coming from tiny Lebanon? Nicholas Blanford, Time, April 21, 2011
Lebanon buffeted by two agendas Walid Choucair, Opinoin, Al-Hayat, April 10, 2011
Lebanese civil society on the rise Rita Chemaly, Opnion, Lebanonwire, April 8, 2011
Assad’s Egypt playbook risks Lebanon-style ectarian split Donna Aby-Nast and Massoud A Derhally, Bloomberg, March 31, 2011
Beshara Raii and the challenges ahead Michael Young, Commentary, The Daily Star, March 17, 2011
Lebanon: The last conservative regime in the region? Jamil Mouawad, Opinion, Open Democracy, March 6, 2011
Syria's Triumph in Lebanon: Au Revoir, Les Ententes Gary C Gambill, Mideast Monitor, February 23, 2011
The truth about the Lebanese crisis Nohad El Machnouk, Opinoin, Sunday's Zaman, February 13, 2011
Lebanon, not Egypt, may determine the fate of democracy in the Middle East John R. Bolton, Jewish World Review, February 7, 2011
Could Lebanon end up on U.S. terror list? Michael B Kraft, Special to CNN, Lebanonwire, February 3, 2011
Lebanon cabinet: A tightrope act Sami Moubayed, Gulf News, February 1, 2011
Lebanon Marks Another US Reversal Ivan Eland, Consortium News, February 1, 2011
Mobin Pandit, The Peninsula, January 25, 2011
Crisis exposes Lebanon’s weaknesses Abigail Fielding-Smith, Financial Times, January 24, 2011
US Pressure Triggers Collapse of Lebanese Government Bill Van Auken, The Market Oracle, January 15, 2011
Bracing for Indictments in Lebanon Michael Young, Interview, Lebanonwire, January 12, 2011
Omayma Abel-Latif, Aharam Weekly, January 1, 2011
Lebanon is staring into the abyss Fawaz Gerges, Guardian, December 31, 2010
Lebanon's international theatre of war Alexander Henley, Guardian, December 3, 2010
James Denselow, Huffington Post, November 21, 2010
Armageddon in Southern Beirut? Rami G. Khouri, Commentary, Lebanonwire, Novemeber 1, 2010
In Lebanon, We Dance in a Minefield Hanin Ghaddar, Slate, October 16, 2010
Ahmadinejad in Lebanon: A Mideast Doctrine in Ruins Tony Karon, Time, October 15, 2010
James Traub, Foreign Policy, October 8, 2010
Michael Young, Commentary, Lebanonwire, October 4, 2010
Lebanon: It is already a hellhole Mohammed Almezel, Opinion, Gulf News, October 3, 2010
Claude Salhani, Commentary, Lebanonwire, September 25, 2010
Ahmed Al-Jarallah, Editorial, Arab Times, September 24, 2010
Hussein Shobokshi, Opinion, Asharq Al-Awsat, September 20, 2010
Rearranging balance of Lebanon's political forces Michael Jansen, Opinion, Lebanonwire, September 12, 2010
Will Israel Attack Lebanon? Will the US Allow It? Assaf Kfoury, Lebanonwire, August 31, 2010
Washington Watch: So is Lebanon a friend or foe? Douglas M. Bloomfield, Lebanonwire, August 12, 2010
The Enduring Middle East Strategic Framework Begins to Emerge as Iran Surges Yossef Bodansky, Oilprice.com, August 5, 2010
James Denselow, Opinion, Hufington Post, July 30, 2010
Could indictments for Hariri’s murder destroy internal stability? Paige Kollock, Opinion, Now Lebanon, July 22, 2010
Israel has eyes on Lebanon's resources Joseph A Kechichian, Gulf News, July 1, 2010
Lebanon Palestinians long-awaited light Lucy Fielder, Ahram Weekly, July 1, 2010
Hanin Ghaddar, NOW Lebanon, June , 2010
An elegant account of how Lebanon works Rami Khouri, Arab Media Watch, June 16, 2010
Turkey and the Middle East -- how does Lebanon fit into the equation? Klaus Jurgens, Today's Zaman, June 5, 2010
Israel Tells Lebanon How It Will Be Destroyed Strategy Page, Lebanonwire, June 2, 2010
Strutting From Tehran to Damascus, From Beirut to Gaza David Harris, The Huffington Post, May 31, 2010
Syria Reimposes Its Patronage over Lebanon H. Varulkar and N. MozesDenselow, MEMRI, May 24, 2010
Lebanon: The Revolution That Wasn't Bret Stephens, Book Review, Wall Street Journal, April 19, 2010
Middle-eastern promise: Beirut Hettie Harvey, London Evening Standard, April 16, 2010
James Denselow, The Huffington Post, April 7, 2010
Sleiman: President is a unifying force as well as decision-maker Elias Sakr, The Daily Star, March 31, 2010
Is Lebanon scared of the Hariri tribunal? Michael Young, NOW Lebanon, March 26, 2009
Lebanese pursue tolerance and unity Joseph A Kechichian, Gulf News, March 25, 2010
Hizbollah vs Israel: the coming clash Robert G Rabil, Open Democracy, March 10, 2010
Lebanon: Covert intelligence war? Ahram Weekly, Lebanonwire, March 5, 2010
U.S. warns Syria: Stop arming Hezbollah immediately Barak Ravid, Natasha Mozgovaya, Avi Issacharoff and Jack Khoury, Haaretz, Lebanonwire, February 28, 2010
Lack of progress on Mideast peace process affects Lebanon's stability Kuna, Lebanonwire, February 27, 2010
Lebanon's 'Cedar Revolution' wanes AFP, Lebanonwire, February 11, 2010
By the way, the Hariri tribunal is dying Michael Young, Opinion, Daily Star, January 14, 2010
Michael J. Totten, City Journal, January 10, 2009
David Schenker, Commentary, Washington Institute, January 8, 2010
Lebanon MidEast's 'Most Improved Democracy' Maayan Ashkenazi, Media Line, Lebanonwire, December 30, 2009
Lebanon: Where international meddling works, to a point Patrick Galey, Opinion, Huttington Report, Lebanonwire, December 30, 2009
Ask not what the US can do for Lebanon LHussain Abdul-Hussain, NOW Lebanon, December 12, 2009
New Lebanon Cabinet allows Hezbollah to keep arms AP, Lebanonwire, December 11, 2009
Maronite Patriarch rejects presence of two armies in Lebanon Lebanonwire, December 9, 2009
Lebanon's Hariri forms unity government with Hezbollah Reuters, Lebanonwire, November 9, 2009
Beirut is back… and it's beautiful Carole Cadwalladr, The Observer, guardian.co.uk, Novemeber 8, 2009
Feltman: US wants better ties with Syria but not at the expense of Lebanon Reuters , Lebanonwire, October 29, 2009
Lebanon: Domestic rivalries getting in the way Lucy Fielder, Ahram Weekly , Lebanonwire, October 17, 2009
Brooke Anderson, Washington Times, September 24, 2009
David Schenker, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, September 21, 2009
Will Lebanon's leaders ever grow up? Zawya, September 10, 2009
Joseph A Kechichian, Opinion, Lebanonwire, September 3, 2009
Lebanon: A country without a government Zvi Bar'el, Opinion, Haaretz, Lebanonwire, August 19, 2009
Lebanese sectarianism a mixed blessing Luna Farhat, Opinion, Lebanonwire, August 12, 2009
Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, Asharq Al-Awsat, Lebanonwire, August 6, 2009
Editorial, Wall Street Journal, August 3, 2009
Lebanon's future still influenced by others Brooke Anderson, Washinton Times, July 30, 2009
The Need for Accommodation in Lebanon Walid Choucair, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, July 12, 2009
Lebanon: How Not to Oppose an Opposition Mona Alami, Inter Press Service, Lebanonwire, June 25, 2009
The Lebanese Elections: A Box Office Success? BKarmi Makdisi, Counter Punch, Leabonwire, June 17, 2009
Thomas Friedman, New York Times, June 14, 2009
The lessons of Lebanon’s elections Rami G. Khouri, Opinion, Lebanonwire, June 14, 2009
Tina Wolfe, The Washington Times, May 6, 2009
Dizzy US Courting Lebanon Disaster Benny Avni, New York Post, May 6, 2009
Can a Broken-Windows Policy Work in Lebanon? Andrew Lee Butters, Time, April 19, 2009
Lebanon prepares for what comes after the elections Elias Harfoush, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, March 29, 2009
Lebanon: Elections circus already in full swing Comment, Ahram Weekly, March 27, 2009
Washington balances Syrian engagement with commitment to Lebanese allies David Schenker, Policy Watch, Washington Institue, February 26, 2009
Lebanon: Internal Crowds and External Links Elias Harfoush, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, February 16, 2009
U.S. faces paradigm shift in relations with Lebanon Mona Yacoubian, The Washington Times, January 23, 2009
Israel's Next War: Today the Gaza Strip, Tomorrow Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, January 17, 2009
ZAKHEM: End Israeli-Palestinian conflict Sam H. Zakhem, The Washington Times, January 16, 2009
Hezbollah ponders its duty to the Palestinians Franklin P. Lamb, Scoop, January 14, 2009
Lebanon: The President and the Scale Ghassan Charbel, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, January 12, 2009
Lebanon's Post-American Present David Ignatius, Courant.com, December 28, 2008
Hassan Haidar, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, December 18, 2008
The Syrian-Israeli Track and Lebanon Randa Takieddine, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, December 3, 2008
Middle East: Know the Limits of U.S. Power John J. Mearsheimer, Lebanonwire, November 30, 2008
Obama earning nation's confidence Frida Ghitis, Miami Herald, November 28, 2008
Abdullah Isklandar, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, November 26, 2008
Double agents, car bombs and antics worthy of James Bond Robert Fisk, The Independent, November 13, 2008
Robert C. McFarlane, Opinion, The New York Times, October, 23, 2008
charleston.net, October 1, 2008
Zuheir Kseibati, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, September 5, 2008
Beware, the Friends of Bashar are here Michael Young, Daily Star, Lebanonwire, September 4, 2008
Lebanon: The land of lost hope Matthias S Klein, guarduan.co.uk, August 17, 2008
Do the Lebanese Deserve Lebanon? Hussein Shobokshi, Asharq Al-Awsat, Lebanonwire, August 16, 2008
Lebanon: Between instability and the absence of unified descision-making Walid Choucair, Al-Hayat, Lebanonwire, August 16, 2008
Syria, Lebanon: "Turning a new page" Opinion, Ahram Weekly, Lebanonwire, July 25, 2008
Demonising Hizbullah is a blunder Matthias S Klein, guarduan.co.uk, July 25, 2008
Can Lebanon's March 14 Reverse the Tide? David Schenker, Washington Institute, Lebanonwire, July 24, 2008
Opinion, Ahram Weekly, Lebanonwire, July 15, 2008
Stephen Zunes, FPIF Report, June 10, 2008
Alim Remtulla, CBC News, June 2, 2008
Opinion, Ahram Weekly, Lebanonwire, May 30, 2008
Lebanon: Reconcilation or Truce? Jihad el-Khazen, Al Hayat, Lebanonwire, May 28, 2008
President Michel Sleiman's Oath Speech President Michel Sleiman, May 25, 2008
Lebanon: Intentions and expending time Abdullah Iskandar, Al Hayat, Lebanonwire, May 1, 2008
Lebanon, Israel and the next Middle East war Matein Khaled, Opinion, Lebanonwire, April 30, 2008
Let There Be Internationalization Hassan Haidar, Al Hayat, Lebanonwire, April 25, 2008
Syria: U.S. can buy our loyalty Aaron Klien, WorldNetDaily, April 6, 2008
Lebanon: Between West and East Michael J Trotten, New York Times, Lebanonwire, March 29, 2008
Bilal Y. Saab, Brookings Institution, Lebanonwire, March 21, 2008
Time may play against Syria in Lebanon Michael Young, Daily Star, Lebanonwire, March 13, 2008
Lebanon: A nation on the brink of political meltdown Leading Article, Independent, Lebanonwire, February 16, 2008
Editorial, Gulf Today, Lebanonwire, February 15, 2008
Facing the Abyss: Lebanon's Deadly Political Stalemate Mona Yacoubian, Lebanonwire, February 12, 2008
Editorial, Los Angeles Times, Lebanonwire, January 30, 2008
Daniel Levy, Boston Globe, Lebanonwire, January 7 2008
2007: The Year of the Assassination Yaniv Berman & Rachelle Kliger, Lebanonwire, January 1, 2008
Joshua Landis, Syria Comment, December 23, 2007
Lebanon's new low as leader talks fail Mitchell Prothero & Peter Beaumont, The Observer, December 23, 2007
Is Israel About to Attack Hizballah? Nicholas Blanford, Time, November 4, 2007
Presidential Elections in Lebanon: Concensus or Conflagration? David Schenker, Policy Watch, Washington Institute, Lebanonwire, November 2, 2007
Lebanon: Why is the Presidential Election Crucial Amir Taheri, Asharq Alawsat, November 2, 2007
Abdallah Iskandar, (Al-Hayat) Lebanonwire, October 22, 2007
Political Fragmentation Hinders Lebanon's Stability Benedetta Berti, (PINR) Lebanonwire, October 14, 2007
Abdallah Iskandar, (Al-Hayat) Lebanonwire, September 14, 2007
Lebanon and the "Salvation" Presidents Zuheir Kseibati, (Al-Hayat) Lebanonwire, August 20, 2007
Lebanon's Choice: Dante's Inferno or More's Utopia? George Emile Irani, The Guardian, July 28, 2007
Khalaf Al Habtoor, Gulf News, July 13, 2007
Jeffrey D. Feltman, US Ambassador to Lebanon. Published in Arabic in Annahar July 4, 2007
Editorial, The Los Angeles Time, June 28, 2007
The significance of the meeting Between Rice and Siniora Randa Takieddin, (Al-Hayat) Lebanonwire, June 28, 2007
Divided Lebanon debates federalism Maria Abi-Habib, Lebanonwire, June 23, 2007
Army Provides a Sense of Unity in Fratured Lebanon Hassan M Fattah, New York Times, June 20, 2007
Destruction and deceit in North Lebanon Michael Young, The Daily Star, May 24, 2007
Avoiding the chaos of two governments Michael Young, The Daily Star, May 3, 2007
A Change in
Attitude, Lebanon as a Model
Ingediend door edter op Don, D4net, March 29, 2007
Analysis: Can the U.S. Help Lebanon? Claude Salhani, UPI, March 2, 2007
Domino effect worries analysts Olivia Ward, Toronto Star, February 3, 2007
Lebanon Inches Toward the Precipice Rick Moran, American Thinker, January 25, 2007
U.S. to pledge $770 million in aid for Lebanon Arshad Mohammed, Reuters, January 24, 2007
Lebanon: A Strained Political Stalemate Dario Cristia, PINR, January 10, 2007
A crucial time for saving Lebanon's fragile democracy John F. Kerry, Boston Globe, January 4, 2007
William Harris, National Review Online, December 18, 2006
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East” Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, December 15, 2006
struggle for power in Lebanon and the Middle East
on the brink – but of what?
The United States
and Lebanon’s Civil Strife
Syrian-Iranian Agenda for Lebanon
Lucy Fielder, Ahram Weekly, December 1, 2006
Amal Chaaban, American Chronicle, November 30, 2006
Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal, November 7, 2006
Armitage laments Lebanon invasion Brendan Nicholson, theage.com.au, November 7, 2006
Dominic Moran, ISN Security Watch, November 6, 2006
Is Lebanon the hub of a new Cold War? Seth Colter Walls, MSNBC, November 5, 2006
Lebanon no battlefield
Seven Questions: Back to the Brink in Lebanon David Schenker, ForeignPolicy Online, November 4, 2006
Iraq war sapping U.S. influence in Lebanon
Who Betrayed Lebanon? And Who Watched it Happen? Dan Gordan, TheAmericanThinker.com, October 26, 2006
Lebanon- Foreplay for the Rape of Iran Dick Mazess, Democracy Rising, October 6, 2006
Fight to Rebuild Lebanon
Review of the Situation in Lebanon and the Way Ahead C. David Welch, US Department of State, September 13, 2006
Rebuilding Lebanon is a moral imperative - and a wise strategy John K Cooley, Lebanonwire, September 5, 2006
Hazem Saghieh, (Al-Hayat) Lebanonwire, September 4, 2006
Hezbollah in Lebanon: The war was not supposed to end this way Chuck Freilich, Lebanonwire, September 4, 2006
In Lebanon, even peace is a battle Carlos Pascual and Martin Indyk, The New York Times, August 22, 2006
A Moment to Be Seized in Lebanon Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, August 18, 2006
Another battle in the world's longest war Daviv Carlin, Miami Herald, August 17, 2006
Condoleezza Rice, Washington Post, August 16, 2006
Disengage Lebanon from regional turmoil Farid El Khazen, The Daily Star, August 14, 2006
End This Tragedy Now: Israel Must Be Made to Respect International Law Fouad Siniora, Washinton Post, August 9, 2006
Michael Young, New York Times, August 4, 2006
A Lebanese-American ponders Lebanon's future Rep. Darrell Issa, San Diego Union-Tribune, July 30, 2006
Anthony Shadid, Washington Post, July 30, 2006
Lebanon, wilderness of mirrors Armaud De Borchgrave, (UPI) Lebanonwire, July 26, 2006
Trduy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer, July 23, 2006
Randa Takieddin, (Al-Hayat) Lebanonwire, July 19, 2006
Now is decision time, Sayyed Nasrallah Fouad Hamdan, The Daily Star, May 12, 2006
A Realistic Idealism: There's a Right Way to Support the Mideast Madeleine K Albright, Washington Post, May 8, 2006
Mitchell Prothero, Fortune, May 4, 2006
The Counterrevolution of the Cedars Gary C. Gambill,Mideast Monitor , April/May 2006
The United Stated and Lebanon: A Meddlesome History Stephen Zunes, FPIF, April 26, 2006
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